Weekly update 10

Sir David Young Cameron, Cliffs and Crags of Ross Chapter 1 is drafted! I haven't read through it from start to finish, and I have a feeling it will need a good bit of revision. The organization is a bit weird: the thematic treatment gives way to a chronological treatment about halfway through. And I forget to mention Anselm's actual writings during a decade or two. But it's drafted, on time, and the hard part -- reminding myself of the historical tidbits and then figuring out how to craft them into something cohesive, with the right amount of detail -- is done. I hope I've managed to convey something of Anselm's complex character, which is intriguing and has given rise to strikingly different readings in his recent(ish) biographers. I find myself increasingly drawn to Sally Vaughn's portrait of Anselm. Her Anselm is less baffled, less overwhelmed, a better tactician and administrator than Sir Richard Southern and Gillian Evans credit him with being. Yet she nev...