Introit for Sunday, 30 October

Fall colors on campus

 I reluctantly made the decision to stay in DC this weekend instead of going back home. Even with a direct flight and (so far) no hitches or delays of any consequence, commuting is tiring. I also knew I would need the whole weekend for work, so I didn't even let my DC friends know I would be around. (If any of you are reading this, I promise I'll do better next time.)

It was a good week. I think feeling settled, even if only for a few extra days, helped a lot. I've started working with a new trainer, who is fond of words like "shredded" and "ripped" and would be scary if he weren't also a sweetheart. I attended the Eighth Annual Costan Lecture in Early Christianity on Wednesday, followed by a dinner with a dozen or so colleagues--"only non-toxic people," explained the New Testament scholar to my right. To my left was the speaker, the brilliant and engaging James F. Keenan, S.J. He knew my name but couldn't quite remember what things of mine he had read; he emailed me the next day with a list, and I was impressed by his meticulous record-keeping. I wanted to ask him about some of the finer points of his critique of someone else's critique of Augustine, something he had just touched on in the lecture; but he was worn out from a long day and very sensibly pushed me toward small talk instead. In his email he sent me the citations I needed. Lovely man.

The Costans, who endowed the lecture and its associated events, were unable to attend; but it turns out that they attend Christ Church, Georgetown, so I will no doubt get to meet them soon. Perhaps today, in fact, since I will be at Christ Church for both the Eucharist at 11:15 and Evensong at 5:00. (Hence the title of this post.) After coffee hour I will be part of the rehearsal for the Solemn High Mass of Requiem for All Souls, celebrated properly on the day, with black vestments and incense, facing east, the whole thing. I'm the subdeacon. The choir will sing the Fauré Requiem. (That's 7 pm on Wednesday, if you're interested.) 

In the meantime, work is coming along rather well. I desperately miss being home, but I made the right decision.


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