With less than a week to go . . .

John Houston, Sunset over the Sea (1971-72

I head up to Georgetown in six days. In that time I need to finish an external review for promotion, write two papers, organize an edited volume, and tinker with the syllabi for my two classes.

Oh, and preach.

Obviously, I won't get all of that done by Tuesday. Whatever the consequences of my overcommitment + occasional unproductive days + mountains of proofs to read may be, I will have to face them. (Academics know, of course, that there will be no consequences. That's one reason we're all so terrible about meeting deadlines.)

Rather than feeling oppressed by my manifold and great deadlines, however, I'm mostly excited. Stoked. Chuffed. Looking back, I see I had a really good summer. Both Anselm volumes (the VSI and the translation volume) are fully completed and in press, with publication dates in late November. One promotion review is already done. I've chosen the readings (just not the assignments) for my classes. A few boxes of books have already been shipped to the new office. I've kept up my twice-weekly sessions with my trainer and can see definite improvement in balance, flexibility, endurance, and even strength. My weight is steady at 12 stone.

Looking ahead, I'm excited about the new job, right down to the opportunity to furnish a new (to me) office. Here's the current thinking:

The wall on the left as you enter will have nine framed photos from my travels in Scotland, which I'm very excited about. The play posters from my days doing theater at Notre Dame have served me well, but I'm ready for something fresh -- though maybe King Lear will stay. That's a good one. And maybe a large canvas print of the Confessions cover for the angled wall. I'm still thinking about that one.

For now, though, it's time for leg day.


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