The Georgetown Chronicles: Day One

My flight was on time, my bag came quickly, and I was at my apartment by 3:00. Perfect. I had forgotten how much light the place gets:

Rather than unpacking, I decide to walk to the office and start settling in there. It's a pleasant forty-minute walk. I pass Christ Church, Georgetown,

on the way to the entrance to the University and ultimately my new building.

I'm eager to see how my nine framed Scotland photos turned out. According to an email, they arrived yesterday. Unfortunately, they are nowhere to be found. The departmental administrator suggests that I go to the mailroom and gives me very clear directions about how to get there, which I proceed to fumble mightily. After some random wandering, stairs leading nowhere, and a brief detour through the Esplanade of Confusion, I do manage to find it. The folks at the mailroom are super-helpful, but they can't find my packages. I send an email to customer service and hope for the best.

At least I have time to unpack the three boxes of books I've sent myself. These range from the essential (BCP, Cambridge Companions to Pretty Much Everything, the books I'm teaching from this semester) to the what-was-I-thinking? (exactly what am I planning to do with that handbook of Greek accidence?). My office, just like my apartment, is full of light.

At 5:10 I abandon the attempt to set up my new computer (again, clear directions, fumbling, it's the theme of the day) so I can be on time for Evening Prayer at Christ Church. The Chapel of St Jude is spare, still, and silent.

Afterward, the lay officiant compliments me on how well I know the service. "You must go to a church where they do this every day." I don't quite know to respond without sounding super-pious. "No, I just . . . umm . . . do it myself." The rector introduces himself. My name apparently rings a bell. "Oh yes, I think I heard that you were coming."

Well, it's probably good for people to be warned.

Then back to Dupont Circle for a very light dinner at Kramers, a touch of blogging, and an early night in. I'll be back at Christ Church for Morning Prayer at 7:30. New Faculty Orientation starts at 8:00.


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