Self-isolation, Day Two, being the Feast of Ninian of Galloway

Now that I am completely unpacked, my groceries have been delivered, and I have settled into my new time zone, I have no further excuse not to begin tackling the to-do list for today that I so sensibly made for myself last night. First on that list is "post to blog." Since I can't get out and have adventures, the best I can do for today is take you on a tour of my flat.

I'm in the Georgian New Town on Royal Crescent, overlooking the King George V Park.

The flat fortunately has high ceilings and lots of windows, so there's plenty of light even on a grey day like today.

The view from the back windows is classic Edinburgh. And yes, people do sit out there.

Knowing that I would have a Clavinova in the flat, I brought a bunch of music to learn. I read through this (the Bach Violin Sonata in F minor) yesterday, and today I mean to get started on the Brahms No. 2 in A major.

And there you have it. On to the rest of my to-do list, which is all about Augustine, Anselm, Scotus, Samuel Seabury (!), and figuring out how to get some exercise when I can't leave the house.


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