Weekly update 2

From an early MS of Anselm's last work, De concordia I'm about a thousand words ahead of my goal, which is fantastic, because next week I'm attending a virtual conference and will be pressed for time to get writing done. In addition to having over two-thirds of Chapter 3 written, I have some of the Further Reading section drafted. I'm also making the list of illustrations. The book doesn't really need much in the way of illustrations, and the press has told me not to add illustrations just for the sake of having them, but a few of them might add some interest. Certainly there should be an illustration from a manuscript, like the one above. (Too bad they'll all be in black and white.) A map of the key places would be helpful. Right now I just have an instruction for them to find or produce a map that includes all the places mentioned in Chapter 1. Since I have yet to write Chapter 1, this directive will need a bit of tweaking before I submit the list on July 15....