
Showing posts from February, 2021

Hebrews 3:15: A meditation

  "Today, if you will hear his voice, harden not your hearts." Hebrews 3:15 (AV) Today, Lord:     today I want to hear your voice. Teach me how to hear it,     how to listen for it. Not the demanding voice of deadlines     or the seductive voice of pleasures; Not the clamoring voice of self-assertion     or the intriguing voice of what-ifs and why-nots. No, but your voice,     still,     small,     winsome,     light made music,     radiance captured in words          that are not quite words. Today, Lord:     today I want to hear your voice. Sharpen my ears to hear it;     soften my heart to receive it. If it is a voice of judgment,     soften my heart to accept your rebuke. If it is a voice of encouragement,     soften my heart to embrace your loving-kindness. If it is a voice of forgiveness,     soften my heart to fe...

Tha mi ag iarraidh bruidhinn 's a Gàidhlig

  How exactly YouTube works is, of course, a great mystery. Some video clips show up because they're closely related to other things I've watched. I went through a few days when various renditions of "Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego" kept popping up, clearly because I had watched this: (None of the subsequent versions could displace this one as my favorite.) But it's suspicious that videos about Scottish Gaelic started showing up, given that all of my admittedly strange efforts to learn Gaelic had been taking place on another site entirely. But I did have a certain feeling of achievement when I saw the title of the video at the top and knew exactly what it meant ! Indeed, I do  want to speak in Gaelic. I want to learn the language. I want to be in a place where they speak it. Summer, maybe? It will be a while before they let Americans in without a ten-day quarantine. In the meantime, I have plenty to keep me busy. It's Lent, so there's a Lenten study to d...