If I had all the time in the world

Statue of Reginald Somerset Ward at Guildford Cathedral If I had all the time in the world -- or, more aptly, if I had exactly as much time as I in fact have, but made better use of it -- I would start a couple of podcasts. One would be Noonday Prayer for each of the days of Lent (thus, not Sundays). It would be the full BCP service with a spoken meditation -- some poetry or poetic prose -- at the appropriate place. Ten minutes, tops, for people to use as a devotional during the day. Lent will be here very soon, but I may actually manage that one. I'll know more within a week or so. Watch this space (and the Cathedral website, and possibly the diocesan newsletter . . .). I've been wanting to do the Noonday Prayer podcast for a couple of years now. The other idea came to me when I was last in Scotland. I encountered the spiritual writings of Reginald Somerset Ward. I think they could be spiritually invigorating for a lot of people, and I'd like to make him available mo...